Comp TIA A+ Certification

Comp TIA A+ Certification

60 hours
-:program overview
In this course, you will acquire the essential skills and information you will need to install, configure, optimize, troubleshoot, repair, upgrade, and perform preventive maintenance on PCs, digital devices, and operating systems.
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program Outline

• Unit 1: Hardware fundamentals 

• Unit 2: Managing system components

 • Unit 3: Managing data storage  

. Unit 4: Supporting display devices 

 Unit 5: Installing & configuring peripheral components •

 Unit 6: Customized client environments • 

Unit 7: Supporting printers & multifunction devices 

• Unit 8: Networking technologies • 

Unit 9: Installing & configuring networking capabilities

 • Unit 10: Supporting mobile digital devices •

 Unit 11: Operating system fundamentals •

 Unit 12: Installing & configuring Microsoft windows •

 Unit 13: Optimizing & maintaining Microsoft windows • 

Unit 14: Working with other operating systems •

 Unit 15: Networking and security fundamentals •

 Unit 16: Security Threats, Vulnerabilities,& Controls •

 Unit 17: Implementing security controls •

 Unit 18: Troubleshooting system – wide issues •

 Unit 19: Safety & Operating procedures Target Audience 

This program is designed for individuals who have basic computer user killsandwhoareinterestedinobtainingajobasanentry-levelITtechnician.Thiscourse is also designed for students who are seeking the Comp TIA A+ certification and who want to prepare for the Comp TIA A+ 220-901CertificationExamandtheCompTIA220-902CertificationExam.